Monday, May 11, 2009

Food #4 - Food Journal

sunday 5/10/2009
dinner: i had no dinner last night. well ok i did but it wasnt like a full meal. like i mentioned in a previos post, i dont eat home meals and last night was one of those days when i HAD to eat something from home. at around 10:30, when i got home, i tried to find something else in the refrigetrator that i could eat, but nothing satisfied my sight as usual. i wasnt able to eat before that because i was busy. so yah then around 12am i got REALLY hungry and decided i had to fucking eat something before bed so i went for 3 meatballs and spaghetti, portioned in a small plate (i don't like that food so i "portioned" it so it wouldn't seem so bad) with a glass of water. i ate this in my room, with the tv on and the PC on with music.

monday 5/11/2009
breakfast: i've never really eaten breakfast, or something as a morning meal, except for the past year. i started buying dunkin donuts. i eat the same thing every day, i dont like anything other than this or their hash browns. in the winter i ate a crossaint with tea and i still do most of the time but ill switch the hot tea for iced tea or and iced latte from starbucks. this is what i solely stick to; i buy it every morning and now feel like i have to eat it because if i dont then i wont eat anything as a morning meal being that i dont like cereal. so i eat this at school, during class. sometimes i feel like i dont want to eat it but i have no other choice because they say not eating breakfast is really bad for you, so whatever...i eat it.
lunch: i always eat school lunch. its cheap and as long as its cheap, in the end it doesnt matter if its good or not...i eat it...most of the time. today i chose to eat chicken fingers, wedges, and salad with milk and water. the milk i take because it comes with the meal, i dont really like milk though. for the past couple months i've taken a different view on school lunch: i don't like it. but because i dont have to spend more than $2.50 on it, i'll eat it. i was sitting there looking at the wedges and gaging in my mind. suddenly, i HATE wedges. but i stuffed two in my mouth anyways. go figure. and the rest i always give to someone who wants them. the milk i always open, but never drink. i dont know why i do that really; i take to the water or a snapple. in the cafeteria im usually eating with friends, talking, socializing.
after every meal i eat gum. i am highly addicted. i know its bad. i do it anyways, i cant help it. this addiction started about a year and a half ago. recently, i've gotten the feeling that i cannot go a single hour without chewing gum. i dont know if its just me or that my mouth actually gets dry.
after school i went to curlys restaurant and bought small cheese fries.
after drumming, a starbucks iced latte drunk in the car ride home.
and for dinner a sandwich. the sandwich i ate at home, with the exact same atmosphere as the previous dinner. and i stuffed it in me, as i usually do with a medium-sized bottle of water. i finished both at the same time. i felt extremely FULL afterwards that i had to go lay down...which often happens.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Food #3 - Food Cultures - Home & Corporate

one major thing america seems to value or like to talk a lot about in the media, movies, etc, is FAST food. how to cut down the time of MAKING your meal and get right to the eating. along with this comes mainly what we call fast food, like mcdonalds, wendys, sonic, pizza, etc.-- all unhealthy food that the media portrays as other wise. they'll use family themes - sitting around the table (or sitting in the living room watching tv,but that ok because you are sharing that experience with your entire family) and say these places, like applebees and chili's, and the food they serve are "family friendly" making it SUPER persuasive to the viewers. eww.

my family does not have a sense of togetherness at all, and i've noticed that for years now not only since the start of this unit. we used to sit together at the table and eat breakfast, lunch or dinner together. now we dont, everyone has dinner at a different time and at different places. the only one who eats at the table, and by themselves, are my grandmother and my brother sometimes. i prefer to eat somewhere else and my mother as well,for her dinner....point is no we do not eat all, but with the TV or games. the last time i remember doing that was about 8 years ago i think. ever since then i've secretly wanted all of us to eat like a family again, however i never said it out loud because i was afraid they might think that was wierd or tell me to shut up and change the subject =/ the funny thing is, most of our outside family--they all eat together, most of our family also does not live in the united states =/ so well, its been about a year now that i dont care much anymore whether we sit together or not. now it would just be wierd to do such.

something i wanted to add, to how america does food the convenient FAST way: umm, it seems like you know all the developed countries are in competition to become more and more advanced every day ... well duh ... but thats just ... eww... so well one day i was reading something about food i think, and i came across a video about the 5 laziest inventions. one of them i believe was called THE COL-POP. this new invention is present in south korea....but of course. and well now we can only WAIT for it to touch american soil :D

here'san article about it if you're intrested:

Food #2 - Internet Research

question: i just thought up this question: what foods do americans buldge on or have excess take-in of? (and other info.)

as i read 6+ articles on this question i found out that the foods (mostly worst foods) americans, majority, eat more of include french fries, donuts, soda, bacon and hot dogs, chips, pizza, mexican, sweets; foods that have salt, sugar (like corn syrup) or flour in them. i also read more about how americans worry about shoving the food down their throats and not enjoying the food, the taste, the journey foods can take you on. if you look at rachel ray for example, she had a food show that she became wild famous for, the one about easy cooking; cooking that takes 30 minutes or less. my question is .. really? in my opnion cooking good food, overall, doesnt take 30 minutes or less. it takes more than that, something that opposite rachel ray, her tv-mate ina garten demonstrates more of. along with that, according to the Science Daily, americans tend to use EXTERNAL CUES (eg: have they finished thier drink? is thier plate clean?) rather than INTERNAL CUES (eg: not felling hungry anymore) to help them determine whether they are full or not. according to Dr. David Kessler, we even eat when in reality we're not even fucking hungry (i have to admit, damn, i'm guilty of doing all this, but not always. i even know im doing it but dont care ).

blame the food industry ... in part.

1.five worst foods americans eat daily by jennifer lee (

(you probably already knew this or not, but can you believe china has variety of produce, like 10 different kinds of melons! unlike in the US where we have only one or two. OMG! i didnt even know there was such a thing!! damnnnnnnn. wow. )

AWOF: Refrigetrator Assignment

here is a list of the ingredients in refridgetrator:

liquids: orange, mix of strawberry banana and orange, strawberry banana smoothie, milk, water, iced tea, black soda.
potato bread
eggs, cheese (slices like kraft and whole like farmers market type), butter, mayonnaise, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream,
tomatoes, red peppers, red beans, sweet potato, banana, lettuce, cabbage,
turkey/chicken slices, chicken, soy chicken, meatballs/spaghettii, more..meat? beef i think it is.
spanish rice, white rice.
a whole bunch of sauces.

(other stuff im not including because i cant remember or its my grandmothers; we have our own sides of the refri. )

ummm, well i've noticed over the last few years that what ive been fed at home,on average, really isnt healthy for me. my family comes from a country where grease and fat and nasty shit like that is present in almost every meal. so they cook that stuff at home. i guess thats similar to the american way of food in that a lot of unhealthy shit is being eaten. from the ingredients you see above, it may not seem like its all that bad but when they're mixed together .. ugh, for several months now i've been real disgusted by what mom cooks so i buy my own meals or make them myself and i'll only eat home meals IF I REALLY HAVE TO or dont have $ to buy my own meal ... which is like max 7 days a month. ( fdsfhdhkjgf yahh...thats all i have to say )

Monday, January 5, 2009

Winter Recess reflection

Over this winter break i did what i would normally do on a regular day, except my time wasn't as organized and scheduled as it is when there is school. aside from the weekends, christmas eve/day and new years eve/day i would hang out with friends, watch tv, read stuff, make holiday cards and send them, clean my house, do HW every now and then, but nothing of much importance. and i would repetedly do the same things each day until something of my interest came up. i made myself occupied with things that i really shouldnt have been doing, rather than taking care of what is more important like school work, making up work, college stuff, etc.

On the weekends and on official national holidays i would spend my time with family; family that came over or go and visit family. that was the only time where even some of us got together to celebrate both the birth of jesus and christmas (more so the food and gift-giving of christmas). aside from those days, i realized that none of us really communicated at all, in general whether through email, phone, etc. we rarely communicate but on such holidays we gather together and enjoy the time.

As i talked to people and asked them how their break went, i realized everyone of the people i spoke to had the typical american holiday break. they celebrated with family, friends, partied, drunk a lot of eggnog or alcohol, had lots of fun, put up a christmas tree and wrapped presents, recieved and gave presents, put up christmas lights, etc; were all basically in the american christmas/new years spirit. it also seems like a lot of families that arent really close-nit seem to find an excuse, almost, for getting together and being one because any other of the 361 days of the year would just be to much to handle and they cant just pass by each others homes and say hello, they actually have to be "forced" to get along kind of.

Aside from those things, another thing i noticed was that in the past years christmas and new years have been very lively and hyped up in my neighboorhood. meanwhile this year there were very very few christmas ornaments and decorations on windows, on doorsteps, in lobbys, on doors, etc. not much spirit was visible. on new years normally people would run out and scream and yell when the clock hit midnight and make complete fools of themselves, but this year everything, everything was completly toned down. it was really surprising. i figured such probably occured because of the situation america is in now, mainly the economy, but in all. i think people are starting to realize how fucked up this nation is.