Monday, May 11, 2009

Food #4 - Food Journal

sunday 5/10/2009
dinner: i had no dinner last night. well ok i did but it wasnt like a full meal. like i mentioned in a previos post, i dont eat home meals and last night was one of those days when i HAD to eat something from home. at around 10:30, when i got home, i tried to find something else in the refrigetrator that i could eat, but nothing satisfied my sight as usual. i wasnt able to eat before that because i was busy. so yah then around 12am i got REALLY hungry and decided i had to fucking eat something before bed so i went for 3 meatballs and spaghetti, portioned in a small plate (i don't like that food so i "portioned" it so it wouldn't seem so bad) with a glass of water. i ate this in my room, with the tv on and the PC on with music.

monday 5/11/2009
breakfast: i've never really eaten breakfast, or something as a morning meal, except for the past year. i started buying dunkin donuts. i eat the same thing every day, i dont like anything other than this or their hash browns. in the winter i ate a crossaint with tea and i still do most of the time but ill switch the hot tea for iced tea or and iced latte from starbucks. this is what i solely stick to; i buy it every morning and now feel like i have to eat it because if i dont then i wont eat anything as a morning meal being that i dont like cereal. so i eat this at school, during class. sometimes i feel like i dont want to eat it but i have no other choice because they say not eating breakfast is really bad for you, so whatever...i eat it.
lunch: i always eat school lunch. its cheap and as long as its cheap, in the end it doesnt matter if its good or not...i eat it...most of the time. today i chose to eat chicken fingers, wedges, and salad with milk and water. the milk i take because it comes with the meal, i dont really like milk though. for the past couple months i've taken a different view on school lunch: i don't like it. but because i dont have to spend more than $2.50 on it, i'll eat it. i was sitting there looking at the wedges and gaging in my mind. suddenly, i HATE wedges. but i stuffed two in my mouth anyways. go figure. and the rest i always give to someone who wants them. the milk i always open, but never drink. i dont know why i do that really; i take to the water or a snapple. in the cafeteria im usually eating with friends, talking, socializing.
after every meal i eat gum. i am highly addicted. i know its bad. i do it anyways, i cant help it. this addiction started about a year and a half ago. recently, i've gotten the feeling that i cannot go a single hour without chewing gum. i dont know if its just me or that my mouth actually gets dry.
after school i went to curlys restaurant and bought small cheese fries.
after drumming, a starbucks iced latte drunk in the car ride home.
and for dinner a sandwich. the sandwich i ate at home, with the exact same atmosphere as the previous dinner. and i stuffed it in me, as i usually do with a medium-sized bottle of water. i finished both at the same time. i felt extremely FULL afterwards that i had to go lay down...which often happens.