Wednesday, April 29, 2009

AWOF: Refrigetrator Assignment

here is a list of the ingredients in refridgetrator:

liquids: orange, mix of strawberry banana and orange, strawberry banana smoothie, milk, water, iced tea, black soda.
potato bread
eggs, cheese (slices like kraft and whole like farmers market type), butter, mayonnaise, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream,
tomatoes, red peppers, red beans, sweet potato, banana, lettuce, cabbage,
turkey/chicken slices, chicken, soy chicken, meatballs/spaghettii, more..meat? beef i think it is.
spanish rice, white rice.
a whole bunch of sauces.

(other stuff im not including because i cant remember or its my grandmothers; we have our own sides of the refri. )

ummm, well i've noticed over the last few years that what ive been fed at home,on average, really isnt healthy for me. my family comes from a country where grease and fat and nasty shit like that is present in almost every meal. so they cook that stuff at home. i guess thats similar to the american way of food in that a lot of unhealthy shit is being eaten. from the ingredients you see above, it may not seem like its all that bad but when they're mixed together .. ugh, for several months now i've been real disgusted by what mom cooks so i buy my own meals or make them myself and i'll only eat home meals IF I REALLY HAVE TO or dont have $ to buy my own meal ... which is like max 7 days a month. ( fdsfhdhkjgf yahh...thats all i have to say )

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